Feng Shui
“The real objective of Feng Shui is to help people to express their highest potential, in all aspects of their life”.
It could be said that “Feng Shui” is the Art of organising spaces, with its teachings having existed for over 4000 years.
The 1st goal is to keep and preserve the good energy permeating places so as to enable it to remain there and gently disperse throughout the house.
The 1st goal is to keep and preserve the good energy permeating places so as to enable it to remain there and gently disperse throughout the house.
The 2nd goal is to reduce the negative effect of the various harmful influences at the site, present in its construction or arising from changes in its surroundings.
The 3rd goal is to implement “cures” for energy adjustments, through alterations of architecture, forms, colours and the positioning of the objects present on the site
to facilitate the harmonious flow of living energy, the Chi.